As a small business you may decide to opt for a free web page hosting service because it does away with the cost relevant to a professional service. Free service can be an attractive proposition but there are significant comparisons between free and paid services and that will be the deciding factor for the success or failure of your online venture. Exclusivity Most unique feature of the paid service is the domain address your business gets from it. this is not the case with free service as it will only bear the name of the company which has provided the free space. People or search engines do not take free hosted websites seriously hence your chances of figuring in the top search pages are bleak. For online business, unique identity such as the IP address, domain name and an email address play major roles in building popularity. Dependability Another factor that sways the choice to the paid service is its reliability. With paid service you can expect the ...
Hostnet is one of the most experienced hosting companies in Latvia. We provide our services to any company regardless of its size. Due to our expertise, high-quality service and data storage security systems,