Hostings Cenas is nothing but the prices of the web hosting services. Web hosting is the service of offering server space to individuals and organizations for accessing their websites and making them visible on the eWorld Wide Web. By taking the web hosting services the organizations reduce their cost of having a fast internet as they now share the cost of a high speed internet with other organizations which otherwise would have cost them a lot of money. Different web hosting companies have different prices depending upon the deals that they are offering. At mājas lapas hostings they offer three plans and depending on the plan are the prices that they charge for their services. Their plans are Eco, Pro and Unlimited. If you are opting for the Eco plan then you will have to pay € 2.99 per month for a period of 36 months and the services that you get are 100% of one virtual processor load limit, 1536 MB RAM, 5 domains, 50 GB disk space, 10 email addresses, 5 MySQL data...
Hostnet is one of the most experienced hosting companies in Latvia. We provide our services to any company regardless of its size. Due to our expertise, high-quality service and data storage security systems,